9 Mar 2019, Sat
2pm - 4pm
Blue Room
多年来,新加坡因国家建设和经济发展急需大量劳动力。 每天,有近156万外劳在岛上国工作。他们远离家乡,暂别亲人,到陌生的异乡寻梦。其中,毎天进出关卡的马国外劳也有28万。异乡人寻梦的心态虽然各异,但是为欲望所驱使,为求过美好的生活大体上是一致的。他们在这里的生活和遭遇,是一系列由无奈、离别、相思、思乡、欢乐、寂寞、苦闷、失落...组成的人生组曲。
Singapore's rapid economic development in the past few decades has necessitated large amounts of labour. Every day, there are close to 1.5 million migrant workers labouring on our shores. They have left their homes and families, and travelled to a foreign land in search of better prospects. Even though their dispositions and stories are different, they are all motivated by a shared desire of securing a brighter future for their families. Their lives and encounters here are stories of helplessness, parting, lovesickness, homesickness, joy, loneliness, depression, and loss.
Two local authors, Lee Chuan Low and Ding Yun, have documented their own experiences with various stories about migrant workers, whose dreams are interwoven with the realities of our society. This panel discussion aims to raise awareness about the lives of migrant workers and encourage other writers to create moving stories about their trials and tribulations.
This panel discussion is jointly organised by The Arts House and the Singapore Literature Society.
This session is conducted in Mandarin.
原名李选楼。新加坡公民。1957年生。祖籍海南省琼海市坡头村。笔名伍两、择浩。北京师范大学文学士,曾获"多代人写作比赛"小说创作优胜奖、"畅游神州"旅游征文大赛二等奖。2010年获颁“连士升文学奖”。短篇小说集《双城之恋》获颁2014年新加坡文学表扬奖;《战前新马华文小说的发展与流变》获颁第二届(2016年)方修文学奖评论组优秀奖。长篇小说《救灾前线》获得2018年度(小说组) 新华文学奖。同年,获颁"亚细安华文文学奖"与"亚细安华文文艺营30周年贡献奖"。现为新加坡文艺协会副会长,《新加坡文艺报》主编;新加坡作家协会、热带文学艺术俱乐部永久会员、世界华文文学家协会会员、世界华文微型小说研究会会员。
Lee Chuan Low (b.1957) is an award-winning writer and editor of numerous Chinese short stories, literary reviews and essays. He is currently the vice president of the Singapore Literature Society and serves as chief editor of the organization’s news bulletin. Lee is also a long-time member of several local and international literary groups such as the Tropical Literature & Art Club and World Chinese Literature Association.
Tan Chun An, who goes by the pen name Ding Yun, is an award-winning writer born in Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. He started writing in 1974, migrated to Singapore in 1990, and has been working as a full-time writer since 2000. He was hired as a resident writer of Nanyang Technological University’s Chinese Department and is currently teaching students how to write novels. He has written and published short stories, novels, essays and literary criticism. Notable works include 《迷途的黑鲸》,《赤道惊蛰》,《攀绝峰》and《惊栗岛》. Some of his works have also been translated to Malay, English and Japanese.
Li Kang graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Nanjing University and a Master of Science from the University of Melbourne. She has written and published several pieces of literary criticism and collections of essays such as 《外婆家的柴火房》、《她门们和她》、《寻海》、《浅谈<双城之恋>的艺术空间和店社会价值》、《<救灾前线>——新加坡首部长篇灾难小说中的人物塑造》.